FUNCTION ComputeTextObjectExtractedTextSize(textObject: ConstTextObject; startIndex: TextObjectIndex; endIndex: TextObjectIndex; destMaxSizeInBytes: ByteCount; destEncoding: TextEncoding; VAR language: LocaleIdentifier; VAR destResultLengthInBytes: ByteCount; VAR nextSrcIndex: TextObjectIndex): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION GetTextObjectTextTags(textObject: ConstTextObject; index: TextObjectIndex; VAR encoding: TextEncoding; VAR language: LocaleIdentifier): OSStatus; C;
{ This is equivalent to the preceding function. The preceding name is preferred. }
FUNCTION GetTextObjectEncodingAndLocaleIdentifier(textObject: ConstTextObject; index: TextObjectIndex; VAR encoding: TextEncoding; VAR language: LocaleIdentifier): OSStatus; C;
{ Bulk access to text content }
TextObjectTextInfoPtr = ^TextObjectTextInfo;
TextObjectTextInfo = RECORD
encoding: TextEncoding;
language: LocaleIdentifier;
startIndex: TextObjectIndex;
endIndex: TextObjectIndex;
textLength: ByteCount;
text: ConstCStringPtr;
FUNCTION CountTextObjectTextRuns(textObject: ConstTextObject; startIndex: TextObjectIndex; endIndex: TextObjectIndex; VAR numTextRuns: ItemCount): OSStatus; C;
FUNCTION GetTextObjectTextRuns(textObject: ConstTextObject; startIndex: TextObjectIndex; endIndex: TextObjectIndex; runArraySize: ItemCount; VAR runInfo: TextObjectTextInfo; VAR actualNumTextRuns: ItemCount): OSStatus; C;
{ Comparison functions are in TextUtils }
{ Annotations }
{ Annotation types are given by the traditional four-character codes }